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Outdoor Church

Sundays: May 23rd, May 30th, June 6th & June 13th @ 10 AM

Join us for Outdoor Church this Summer!

May 23, May 30, June 6 & June 13 @ 10am

Services will be held in the West parking lot and will also be livestreamed on our YouTube channel. Please bring your own chair.

Lunch will be provided after the 5/23 service.

**In the event of rain, the service will be moved indoors**

PATHFINDERS KIDS Children's Ministry

Summer Programming for our littles starts May 23rd and runs through August! Children Birth through 4 years old can participate in our summer Children's Ministry programming at the 10AM service. Registration is still required; please check-in/register prior to Sunday!

(NOTE: we are in the process of graduating our classrooms!! Starting June 1st, your child will have "graduated" into the next grade level for PATHFINDERS KIDS programming.) 

Looking for PATHFINDERS KIDS Children's Ministry for your Kindergartener through 5th grader? Well, during the summer months, May 23-September 1st, we offer a break to our AWESOME teachers and team members who faithfully serve PATHFINDERS KIDS throughout the school year. 

If this defines your family, please enjoy this break time by worshiping as a family, something we like to call: Family Worship. I know some days it might not seem like your kids are paying attention, sitting still, let alone listening, but they are! And they are looking at YOU to set the example!

Questions/Concerns? Contact the church office!