What time are Christmas Eve services?
We have 3 services available on Tuesday 12/24:
2:30pm and 4pm are our Family Services
11pm is our Candlelight Service
We will be livestreaming the 2:30pm service on our YouTube channel.
Will the services be different?
The order of service and sermons will be different.
-The 2:30pm and 4pm services will feature a children's element where they will be invited up on-stage for an interactive story.
-The 11pm candlelight service will be uniquely nostalgic, ending at midnight with a bell toll and candle-lit singing of "Silent Night."
Will childcare be available at the services?
Children are encouraged to worship upstairs with their parents.
The nursery will not be staffed, but it will be open and available with the service being livestreamed on TV.